Topic Title: case study
Talk Description:
“Telegraf case study” is a presentation about news portal startup which scaled to the biggest WordPress news website in Serbia, with more than 1.000.000 users per day in just three years.
The more important, it will discuss technical and business lessons learned on this journey, including advantages and disadvantages of the WordPress as a choice and also important technical considerations from developers and system engineers point of view. If you are a programmer familiar with C or PHP, relational database concepts, normalizations, BigO and mathematical efficiency of algorithms, TCP/IP, HTTP, TLS, SPDY, nginx, varnish, memcached, redis, Linux and POSIX compatible operating systems internals and generally different caching concepts – it’s likely that you will enjoy slides and discussion.
Why do you want to speak at #wcbg:
I’m passionate about WordPress and sharing experience with skilled people.
Twitter: @marcetam