#WCBGD Points of interest

Belgrade is beautiful, no question about it, but if you are a first-timer around here we figured that #WCBGD POI map will be needed 🙂

#WCBGD Venue

Singidunum University,
Kumodraška 261a, 11000 Belgrade

#WCBGD After-party

We will have after party at Caffe Time, Nušićeva 6, starting at 8 PM, June the 4th. Please bring your badge!

#WCBGD Contributor day

For all of you, willing to contribute back to WordPress, attend excellent Workshops led by Luca Sartoni, Marko Heijnen, Mario Peshev. Bring your laptops, your chargers, and your badge and join us at Devana Technologies, Trg Republike 5.

WordCamp Belgrade 2016 Contributor Day!

Contributor day is the perfect opportunity to become a WordPress contributor and earn some cool badges for your WordPress.org profile. I am sure that you have contributed to WordPress already, just talking about it to your friends, colleagues, and clients is a great contribution! Let’s not forget that answering questions on social networks about WordPress also counts as contributing.

WordCamp Belgrade Contributor Day

WordCamp Belgrade Contributor Day

Contributor day is not meant only for WordPress professionals since there are a lot of ways to contribute even with no coding skills.
Continue reading WordCamp Belgrade 2016 Contributor Day!

Final batch of speakers announced

Marko Heijnen – My contributor story


Marko is a long term WordPress contributor from the Netherlands. He uses WordPress since 2006 and started contributing back to it in 2009. For more then two years he was the lead developer of GlotPress. After years of freelancing he now works for Plesk and has it’s own agency called CodeKitchen B.V.


Milos Marceta – Telegraf.rs case study


Milos is an old school guy who showed passion for computers and programming since the age of 6. After years of experience with many different programming languages and concepts (from x86, SPARC and Alpha assembly, Linux kernel module programming, ELF reverse engineering, C to web and bytecode languages) he got experience in security, networking, web applications and mostly Linux and *BSD operating systems. He also worked with many different companies in security, telco, banking and overall IT business. He is currently on a CTO position in the Internet Group company, the part of Comtrade Group.


Aleksandar Savković – Hello WordPress


Delivering Happiness at Devana Technologies >>> ManageWP // #WCEU Volunteer #WCBGD Co-Organizer // Formula 1 and MotoGP Freak // WordPress Enthusiast. Lecturer at Best 2015 “ Web Development Using WordPress”, speaker at Customer Happiness and WordPress Meetups. WordPress Training and Polyglots Team member.


Ivana Ćirković – WordPress 101 – from my point of view


Ivana Ćirković is a Digital Marketing, PR and Social Media consultant with over 8 years experience in the field. Owner of OrganVlasti.com online magazine for women and has it’s own Digital Marketing agency called KickStart.rs

Third batch of speakers announced

Petar Atanasovski – The Art of Proactive Support


I am leading the Customer Happiness Team at ManageWP (Devana Technologies). Former president of AIESEC in Serbia, love water polo, playing guitar and exploring new business trends. When I am not working on Customer Experience, I enjoy developing people, creating new products and making the world a better place.

Twitter: @AtanasovskiP


Maja Žikić – WordPress magija: 7 koraka do savršeno optimizovanog sadržaja za oflajn publiku


Pisac i profesionalni bloger. Entuzijasta po pitanju kreiranja sadržaja, ali i njegovog strateškog planiranja. Dugogodišnji zaljubljenik u WordPress.

Twitter: @MajaZikic


Nemanja Aleksic – Being a WordPress Professional


Growth Engineer at Devana Technologies & ManageWP. Started messing with computers back when dinosaurs roamed the land and ZX Spectrum was the shit. Curious and stubborn. Father and husband, and loving every second of it.

Twitter: @kouteki_


Bojan Petrović – Is that a WordPress theme feature and why it isn’t?


Co-founder and WordPress developer at Meks, crafting premium WordPress themes for thousands of users worldwide. 

He has been involved in the business since 2009. Creating themes, plugins and services on top of WordPress, continuously aiming to choose best approaches and work smarter, not harder. 

Twitter: @mekshq

5 reasons why you should visit #WCBGD 2016

In case, you haven’t decided yet if you are going. We thought we make it easier for you. Below are five reasons why you should go.

1. Last year’s event was fantastic

We are biased for sure, but we do believe that we had a great mix to make the WordCamp successful as it was. With ten great speakers on Saturday, more speakers on Sunday making it complete. Also, the venue with a their-their bar was an amazing value where people could still see the talks but still able to speak with each other. This year will be different, but we strive to succeed last year’s edition.

2. It’s bigger than the first #WCBGD

This year we will have more speakers and more attendees than last year. Let us sound like an Apple commercial and say that is two times the attendees, two times more speaker tracks and two times more speakers 🙂

wcbg2015 - conference room

3. It’s in Belgrade, Serbia

Belgrade is the capital of the southeast European country of Serbia. Its most significant landmark is beogradska tvrđava Kalemegdan, an imposing fortress at the confluence of the Danube and the Sava rivers. A testament to the city’s strategic importance to the Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, Serbian and Austrian empires, the fortress is now the site of several museums and Kalemegdan a vast park.

Check for more information on our what to see page.

Kalemegdan Air Photo

4. The Serbian Cuisine

The national dishes include pljeskavica (a ground beef/pork patty), ćevapi (grilled minced meat), and Karađorđeva šnicla (Karađorđe’s steak). The national drink is the plum brandy šljivovica or Homemade rakija. Last year at the WordCamp we provided some of the best food Serbia has to offer.

wcbg2015 - food

5. The People

The people are friendly, and it’s always good to connect with each other. The fact is, we’re better together, in a community, and WordPress is an amazing community.

Organization 2015


If you need five more reasons to visit this year’s WordCamp Belgrade, let us know in the comments, either way, we invite you to get your ticket and see how awesome Serbian WordPress community is 🙂